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Guide to Bachelor's Degrees in Human Resources in Minnesota

People are at the heart of most organizations and human resources professionals are key to helping people rise to their full potential. As you will see below, several Minnesota colleges and universities offer a bachelor's degree in human resources management. This site can serve as a useful portal for you to explore these different options and select the school that will best advance your career in this field. Human resources professionals help people within an organization to better apply their talents for their own fulfillment as well as for improved performance of the organization as a whole. Roles performed by human resource professionals in various organizations include: administering employee benefits, administering payroll, career development, conflict resolution, employee dismissal, employee orientation and training, ensuring compliance with labor laws and standards, maintaining employment records, managing different aspects of employment, and talent recruitment and hiring. Today's workforce is a diverse one, so understanding and engaging people with different cultures, genders, and social perspectives is essential for motivating a high-performance organization. Human resource managers must be informed of current best practices in order to cultivate and engage a diverse workforce.

Metropolitan State University is a public university located in St. Paul, Minnesota. Metropolitan State University's degree programs include a bachelors degree with a major in the field of Human Resource Management. Offering undergraduate degrees in human resources, Concordia University is a private nonprofit university in St. Paul, Minnesota. Concordia University offers a bachelors with a major in Human Resource Management (Accelerated). Offering undergraduate degrees in human resources, Saint Cloud State University is a public, four-year university with a campus in Saint Cloud, Minnesota. Saint Cloud State University's Herberger Business School offers a bachelors degree with a major/emphasis in Human Resources Management. St. Mary's University (of Minnesota) is a private nonprofit university located in the Twin Cities and Winona. St. Mary's offers a bachelors degree with a major in the field of Management.

Offering undergraduate degrees in human resources, the University of St. Thomas is a private nonprofit university with campuses in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. St. Thomas' offers a bachelors degree through the Opus College of Business with a major in Business Administration and a concentration in Human Resource Mgmt. Offering undergraduate degrees in human resources, the University of Minnesota (Duluth) is a public, four-year university. This section is for the Duluth campus of the University of Minnesota. University of Minnesota (Duluth) offers undergraduate degrees through the Labovitz School of Business and Economics with a major in Human Resource Management. Argosy University is a private, four-year, not-for-profit, multi-state university with a campus in Eagan. Argosy University's degree programs at the undergraduate level include a bachelors degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Human Resource Management. St. Mary's University (of Minnesota) is a private nonprofit university located in the Twin Cities and Winona. St. Mary's offers a B.S. (Bachelor of Science) degree through the Graduate School of Health & Human Services in Healthcare and Human Services Management.

Capella University is a for-profit multi-state online university headquartered in Minnesota. Capella University 's programs include a bachelors-level degree with a concentration in Human Resource Management. The University of St. Thomas is a private, four-year, not-for-profit university located in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. St. Thomas' offers a bachelors degree through the Opus College of Business with a major in Business Administration and a concentration in Human Resource Mgmt. The University of Minnesota (Twin Cities) programs include business and management bachelors-level degrees through the Carlson School of Management with a major in Human Resources and Industrial Relations.

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